Teacher Panther Pride Bucks



To redeem your Panther Pride Bucks ($250 per classroom), simply shop for the classroom supplies that you need (using the Tax Exempt Letter HERE or below to avoid paying sales tax – we cannot reimburse sales tax).

Submit your receipts to http://bit.ly/OESPTAREIMBURSE to be reimbursed up to $250 per classroom. You do not need to submit the Panther Pride Bucks gift certificate to receive reimbursement; it is simply a colorful reminder that your PTA has gifted your classroom $250 for supplies.

Please submit your receipts for reimbursement by the end of February or as soon as possible.

Click Here to join the PTA for FREE!!

Helpful Forms for Faculty and Staff

  • Click Here:  PTA Tax Exempt Certificate.  Use this Tax-Exempt Cert when you need to purchase classroom supplies or other PTA-related items to receive tax exempt status and avoid paying sales tax.