Parent Information Relating to Special Education
Accommodations for Recreational Classes and Camps with Fairfax County Parks
Accommodations include physical accessibility, ASL interpreters, assistive devices, sensitivity training for classmates, and staff training.
Fairfax County Parks – Adapted Recreation for Kids
Swimming, gymnastics, ice skating, fitness, park explorers.
Fairfax County Therapeutic Recreation
Scholarships for Classes with Fairfax County Parks
Children of families that receive public assistance (medicaid, free school lunch, SNAP, TANF) are eligible to take one set of classes per quarter for a $15 registration fee.
Post-Adoptive Recreation Program for Youth 10-15 with Special Needs
A once-monthly Saturday recreation and respite program open to Fairfax County residents who have adopted via public or private agencies.
Give an Hour Healthy Minds Fairfax
A new program will provide no-cost mental health services to income eligible children and youth ages 5-21. Information:
On Demand – Dyslexia & the IEP: How to Make Sure the IEP is in Tip-Top Shape
Webinar On demand, available 24/7.
*Please Note: FCPS (Fairfax County Public Schools) and ACPS (Alexandria City Public Schools) can often provide translation services for their events into Spanish, Arabic, or other languages if you contact them well in advance.