
In this section of our website you will find information on the enrichment programs that are funded by the OES PTA.

Academic Enrichment:  Each year the PTA provides funding in all academic subject areas and technology enhancements. 

Teacher and Grade Support:  The PTA provides funding at each grade level for integrated and coordinated academic programs, resources, and materials.

Technology:  The PTA helps fund the purchase of technology including smart boards, laptops, software and hardware to ensure that students have access to current learning tools.

Classroom:  The PTA provides funds for every classroom teacher to supplement and enhance the academic resources available to students each year.

Teacher Education:  The PTA provides funding to support the continuing education of teachers and staff professionals.

School Facilities:  The PTA helps fund improvements to the school grounds.

Arts and STEM Enrichment:The OES PTA funds 100% of the costs of these programs:

  • Cultural Arts Assembly Program: all assemblies at OES are paid for by the PTA

  • Panther Art

  • Reflections

  • Odyssey of the Mind

  • Many Others!

Free Family Events:  The PTA funds 100% of the costs of family events several times a year.  These events strengthen the bonds of our school community.  Examples for this year include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • School Dances/Events

  • International Night

  • Puzzle/Game Nights

  • Family Movie Nights

  • Many Others!

We are always looking for new ideas to provide academic enrichment and to enhance the educational and social experience of our students, teachers and families.  Feel free to suggest new ideas or provide comments on current programs. We would love to hear from you!! Share your comments or ideas here: president@oaktonpta.net