FCPS Procedures for Reserving Space
Go to https://www.communityuse.com/SOA.NET/controllers/pagecontroller.aspx?productid=MC&pageid=CalendarMonth
for the link to the FCPS Community Use site . You will select the option: Request Space Within FCPS. This is currently located in the upper right side of the webpage. You will be re-directed to the community use calendar where you must select Log-in to Request Space (located in the upper right hand corner of the page). You will be required to set up a user name and password. Once set up, you will be allowed to block space.
When you are booking a PTA sponsored program or event, be sure to put in Oakton Elementary as your location site. It is already set up and will save you time. Note that not all of our rooms will be listed. For example, if you want to use the library, you will have to indicate it in the Notes field. Once complete, the request will go to Barbara Nicollelo in the OES front office. She will be able to block the appropriate space for you, or tell you if it is not available.
Questions? Contact president@oaktonpta.net